
SeaHero is a new social app can solve young people social difficulties directly, it aims to gather people with similar interests for more pleasant online and offline social experiences.

My Involvement
Design thinking, User Flow,
Wireframing and Prototyping
Me + PM + Engineer
SeaHero App
36 weeks
potential users, especiallysmartphone addict (age group 18-34)
the success from online match to offline meeting
What Gen Z wants?
Generation Z young people lack patience, so they rely on the timely positive feedback experience brought online. At the same time, they pursue more and more exciting live entertainment. The threshold for live entertainment is high, and the feedback chain is very long. We hope to combine online fast and high-frequency feedback with the excitement and freshness of live entertainment combination. Let users feel the dopamine in the fastest and most frequently social interaction.
A totally new way of 2v2 matching system, your brother or homie as your best assist to make a four people group chat. It will avoid awkwardness and easier to find the ice breaking point.




2v2 Disovery Page

After the user bind with his BFF, their group card will show in the 2v2 discovery page automatically.  They will swipe and like others’ cards and if the other group also like back, they will create a four-person group chat.

Other Features

The user can switch from solo pattern to duo pattern by click our aquanaut cartoon character. In the bottom, there're three buttons to different functions.
In fish pond page, users can post any small activity. In activity page, the activity officer can post activity and user can register for it.


l learned to highlight important information for our user. They won’t use their mindset to use the social app. I need to make the user flow as clear and simple as possible.
  • Repeat the concept more than three times is necessary. I added a carousel overview of our app after the onboarding and it would be the first time to show the story to the users.
  • Then, l redesigned the pop-ups. Users hate reading paragraphs of texts, so I added more graphic guidance rather than the text, and emphasised the critical text to make sure if users only read these texts, they still can get the main idea of the story. This is the second time to show the concept for the user.
  • Finally, l added the systematic message after one person sent the message in the chat room. This is the last time to reassure the user can understand the key points, not just press the button randomly.

Buiness Impact

  • Our product iterated from 1.0 to 2.0 update
  • Totally 50,000 users and 1000 DAU
  • Got Angel Round investment about 8000,000 RMB